Vermont Woman Speaker Series Brought the Community Together to Be Inspired & Informed |
From 2004 to 2009, Vermont Woman produced and hosted a lecture series called Vermont Woman Newspaper Annual Speaker Series. The intent wastobring speakers to the region in an effort to inform the community on issues of local, state, and global importance. To that end, Vermont Woman invited outstanding women in politics, government, and the media. Gloria Steinem, legendary feminist, and Helen Thomas, longtime member of the White House press corps, came twice to Vermont to speak. Other lecturers included Jehan Sadat, widow of Egypt’s Anwar Sedat; Texas governor Ann Richards; news commentator Eleanor Clift; and outed CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson. Held at both the Sheraton Hotel and the Hilton in Burlington, these events drew up to a thousand attendees, who eagerly listened and asked questions. The lectures often included book signings, as many of the speakers were also authors.