Vermont Woman Co-Sponsors New Economics Conference December 7, 2012
A conference on Vermont's New Economy was held at Vermont College of Fine Arts in Montpelier on Friday, Dec. 7, from 9:00 am-4:00 pm.
Speakers included two economic authors featured in Vermont Woman's recent award-winning series on the economy, Ellen Brown of the Public Banking Institute and Gwendolyn Hallsmith of Montpelier.
Eco-Spiritual Quester Fran Weinbaum Guides Women to Community and Earth Connections
by K.C. Whiteley
Photos by Jan Doerler
Fran Weinbaum has been guiding wilderness rites of passage and retreats since 1996.
A mother and grandmother, she lives in East Montpelier, Vermont, with her husband, Peter, balancing the tending of goats, garden and hearth, with work as a spiritual life coach and organizational consultant.
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Publisher's Message: Blood Memory and My High School Reunion
by Sue Gillis
Blood memory is a belief, and ancestral in nature, most specifically rooted in American Indian culture. Blood memory has to do with powerfully held traditions, thinking and behavior in our genes.
Torrington, Connecticut, my hometown, is one of those places where blood memory links ancestors and descendants, and it was to Torrington I returned last September for my fiftieth high school reunion.
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Women in the Military: Vermont Style
by Lisa Brucken
Statistics tell one story. Women remain a small minority in all U.S. military service branches.
The Vermont National Guard has an approximate force o 3500, with females numbering about 500, or 14 percent, according to Lt. Dyana K. Allen, a deputy in the State Public Affairs Office.
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Healing the Planet While Bursting Through Stereotypes
by Ginny Sassaman
Powerhouse, Kathryn Blume of Charlotte, is dead serious about Mother Earth and ending climate change. Actor, writer, director, activist, spiritual seeker, teacher and determined-to- have-a-good-time-in-life, clearly, Kathryn Blume is an energetic, engaged woman, who cannot be neatly pigeonholed or stereotyped. She has a degree from Yale to show off when circumstances warrant, which they sometimes do, because she's also (her words) "little and cute."
Despite a lot of moving parts, Blume's life assembles into her whole. "My job is to be in service of healing the planet," she observes, "and I think there are an infinite number of ways to do that. Everyone needs to start where they are."
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Seven Vermont Women Upgrade Higher Education
Compiled by Rickey Gard Diamond
More than a quarter of college presidents are now female, and more than a third lead two-year colleges. Six of Vermont's 23 colleges are now headed by women. These six formidable women presidents present a proud legacy of innovation and budgetary savvy worth examining.
Their gifts must include the story of a seventh near-forgotten woman, Evalyn Bates of Williamstown, whose educational designs influenced many Vermont colleges, making them more affordable and accessible.
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Seniors Aging At Home Or In Home-Like Communities
by Jeanne Kern
Vermont has one of the fastest growing older populations per capita in the country: the population aged 65-74 was predicted to grow 63 percent from 2007 to 2017. Over 25 percent of Vermonters will be elderly soon. The statistics tell the story of what lies ahead and is daunting for state planners.
Fortunately, Vermont's policy-makers are ahead of this explosive demand, committed to finding solutions to aging at home when possible..
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