February, 2006

Made You Blush: Confessions of A Vermont Erotica Writer


I am the soccer mom who lives down the street in your small Vermont town. You don’t notice me, but oh, I notice you. Yes, you. The curve of a stockinged calf as you slide into the driver’s seat of your Camry. The slice of pink lace as your bra strap slips out from beneath the shoulder of your tank top and down over sandalwood-scented skin as you stand in line ahead of me at the Co-op. The long, strong strides of swinging thighs under tan coveralls as you walk away from me to check for another bushel of Macouns in the back store room of your apple packing house, plaid flannel shirt tails rising and falling over the bouncing sway of your narrow, boyish hips. Yes, I see you, all of you, and I know what you want.


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Cardiologist Dr. Friederike Keating and the Hearts of Women


Anne, let's call her, woke up on a Sunday morning feeling sore and tight on one side of her ribcage. Soon her left arm went completely numb. A 59-year-old, she joked with her husband that she felt like she was having a heart attack, but thought that it was probably just fatigue and maybe the flu. In any case, her thinking went, women and especially mothers just tough it out, as she always had. And there was the inconvenience of a trip to the emergency room; who would pick up the house and make dinner for the guests that evening?


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Renowned Yoga Teacher Christine Hoar Puts Bristol on the Map


The first time you take a Primary Series class at Bristol Yoga, you might be a bit intimidated. In one corner, Vermont’s martial arts champion is practicing his full splits. In another, one young woman is gracefully springing onto her hands; another is bending her body in unthinkable ways. There are skiers, dancers, former gymnasts and rock climbers.


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Mirth Control: Contraception Is A Laughing Matter


Everything you wanted to say about sex, but were afraid to even think it, is how we might describe story-teller Cindy Pierce’s hilarious one-woman show “Finding the Doorbell,” performed at the Flynn Theater in Burlington this fall. Even if our own elusive “spot” she calls the doorbell never quite gets rung, Pierce nails our collective funny bone as she shares her wit and wisdom of the facts of life, orgasmic and not-so-orgasmic. We invited Ms. Pierce to share one of her sexual misadventures, as she negotiates the turf of sex for pleasure, not procreation.


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